Gary Gereffi is an Emeritus Professor at Duke University and the founding director of the Duke GVC Center. He is currently teaching a course in Public Policy on Global Value Chain Analysis. As a Professor of Sociology he taught courses on economic sociology, globalization and comparative development, and international competitiveness. He received his B.A. from the University of Notre Dame and his M.Phil. and Ph.D. from Yale University. Gereffi has published numerous books and articles on globalization, industrial upgrading, and social and economic development in various parts of the world. His books include: Manufacturing Miracles: Paths of Industrialization in Latin America and East Asia (Princeton University Press, 1990); Commodity Chains and Global Capitalism (Praeger Publishers, 1994); and Global Value Chains and Development (Cambridge University Press, 2018). Gereffi’s research interests deal with the competitive strategies of global firms, the governance of GVCs, economic and social upgrading, and the global knowledge economy.
Global Value Chain Analysis: A Primer: 2nd Edition
Promoting Decent Work GSCs in LAC: Key Issues, Good Practices, Lessons Learned and Policy Insights
Bahrain’s Position in the Global Apparel Value Chain: How the U.S.-Bahrain FTA and TPLs Shape Future Development Options
Regional trade agreements and competitiveness: uncertain path of Nicaragua’s apparel exports
North Carolina’s Manufacturing Wage Gap
Global Value Chains in Latin America: A Development Perspective for Upgrading
Comparing Egypt and Saudi Arabia’s Wheat GVC
Brazilian Manufacturing in International Perspective: A Global Value Chain Analysis of Brazil’s Aerospace, Medical Devices, and Electronics Sectors
Regional Competitiveness in the Latin America Offshore Services Value Chain
Connecting Local Producers in Developing Countries to Regional and Global Value Chains
Global Value Chains and Agrifoods Standards: Challenges and Possibilities for Smallholders in Developing Countries
Upgrading & Restructuring in the Apparel GVC: Why China & Asia Outperform Mexico & Central America
China’s (Not So Hidden) Developmental State: Becoming a Leading Nanotechnology Innovator in the Twenty-First Century
The Offshore Services Value Chain: Upgrading Trajectories in Developing Countries
Traveling Technologies: Societal Implications of Nanotechnology Through the Global Value Chain
Global Value Chain Analysis: A Primer
The Marketing and Distribution of Fast Food
The Global Apparel Value Chain, Trade and the Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Countries
The Offshore Services Value Chain: Developing Countries and the Crisis
Trade, Transnational Corporations and Food Consumption: A GVC Approach
U.S.-Based Food and Agricultural Value Chains and Their Relevance to Healthy Diets
Protectionism in Textiles and Apparel
Review and Analysis of Protectionist Actions in the Textile and Apparel Industries
The American Brain Drain and Asia
America’s Loss is the World’s Gain: America’s New Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Part IV
A Global Value Chain Approach to Food Safety and Quality Standards
How the Disciple Became the Guru
The Globalization of Innovation: Can India and China Cure the Global Pharmaceutical Market?
Skilled Immigration and Economic Growth
Getting the Numbers Right: International Engineering Education in the United States, China, and India
A Global Value Chains Approach to Food, Healthy Diets, and Childhood Obesity
Intellectual Property, the Immigration Backlog and a Reverse Brain-Drain: Part III
Education, Entrepreneurship and Immigration: America’s New Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Part II
Where the Engineers Are
America’s New Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Part I