This report was prepared for COMEX as part of a series of GVC industries on Costa Rica. The report has four main sections. First, there is an overview of the aerospace GVC and a discussion of the key segments of the chain. This section presents the governance structure, upgrading and workforce development aspects of this industry. While a global overview of the GVC is required to fully appreciate the mechanisms that drive the industry, emphasis is placed on those parts of the value chain that are most relevant for a small developing country in general, and Costa Rica in particular. This is followed by an analysis of the experiences of Querétaro, Mexico and Singapore as they established aerospace clusters in order to identify potential lessons for Costa Rica. Section 4 provides an analysis of Costa Rica’s actual contributions to the global aerospace sector and the country’s position in the GVC. Finally, section five discusses the potential upgrading trajectories available to allow Costa Rica to improve its participation in the industry, taking into account the country’s unique economic and institutional context.
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