Capturing the Gains in Africa: Making the Most of Global Value Chain Participation

Capturing the Gains in Africa: Making the Most of Global Value Chain Participation
Listing Type: Research Reports

Annelies Goger | Andrew Hull | Stephanie Barrientos | Shane Godfrey | Gary Gereffi

This report was commissioned as a background paper for the annual OECD publication, “Africa Economic Outlook (AEO)” 2014. It provides a critical overview of the Capturing the Gains (CTG) research findings from Africa across three industries: horticulture, apparel and tourism. Specific emphasis is placed on identifying opportunities and challenges for economic and social upgrading within African GVCs so that workers and small producers can capture a fairer share of the gains from trade and economic growth. The report also offers sector specific GVC policy recommendations for African policy makers.

Geography: Africa
Client: OECD
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