Nova Scotia’s Ocean Technologies: a Global Value Chain Analysis

Nova Scotia’s Ocean Technologies: a Global Value Chain Analysis
Listing Type: Research Reports

Gary Gereffi | Lukas Brun | Joonkoo Lee | Mary Turnipseed

This report, Nova Scotia’s Ocean Technologies: A Global Value Chain Analysis of Inshore & Extreme Climate Vehicles, Unmanned Underwater Vehicles, and Underwater Sensors & Instrumentation, investigates Nova Scotia’s position in three value chains: inshore and extreme climate vessels, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), and underwater sensors and instrumentation. Inshore vessels are ships that remain close to shore, while extreme climate vessels are ships designed for operation in polar regions. ROVs are tethered underwater vehicles used for ocean exploration and marine construction. AUVs are untethered, torpedo-shaped underwater vehicles programmed to collect oceanographic data for extended periods without immediate human supervision. As part of unmanned underwater and manned surface marine platforms, underwater sensors and instrumentation collect information about underwater objects and ocean properties. The three value chains have in common their application in three major end-markets: oil and gas exploration, scientific research, and military and port security. Gereffi presented the applications of GVC analysis to the ocean technology sector to senior government officials and company representatives at a seminar organized by the Department for Economic and Rural Development and Tourism (ERDT) on June 8, 2011. Presentation title: Global Value Chain Analysis: A Competitiveness Framework for Ocean Technologies Companies in Nova Scotia. January 24, 2012: Gereffi and Brun presented the implications of the Nova Scotia Ocean Technology report to the work of trade commissioners. Charting a Course for 30 Years of Work on January 24, 2013 - Nova Scotians are getting ready to make the most of the federal shipbuilding contracts that will bring 30 years of opportunities and good jobs. Premier Darrell Dexter released an analysis of the range of activities needed to create, produce, deliver and maintain the arctic offshore patrol ships, polar icebreaker, and research vessels.

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