Peru in the Mining Equipment Global Value Chain: Opportunities for Upgrading

Peru in the Mining Equipment Global Value Chain: Opportunities for Upgrading
Listing Type: Research Reports

Penny Bamber | Karina Fernandez-Stark | Gary Gereffi

This report analyses the mining equipment GVC and the position of Peru. The country is facing great challenges with the global slowdown of the mining sector. Mining equipment, which is in its infancy, is facing similar problems. The objective of this project was to identify opportunities for industry growth. Key takeaways: Industry is small but growing. Few companies are involved in sophisticated activities, while most manufacture simple products for the local and regional markets. The following upgrading trajectories are recommended: (1) process upgrading to increase the efficiency, ensure local firms can meet global standards, and improve their technological processes, amongst others; (2) consolidate Peru’s position as a parts provider within those segments, and begin to leverage relationships with clients to produce permanent components; and (3) firms that are already competing need to diversify into other segments to mitigate the risk of overexposure to the mining sector.

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