This report investigates the digital transformation occurring within GVCs and describes the implications those changes carry for APEC cooperation. The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to accelerate the digital transformation and bolster the digital economy as work is underway to overcome this unprecedented crisis. Under these circumstances, understanding digital transformation within GVCs is critical to surmounting the COVID-19 crisis and preparing for a post-pandemic era.
The Asia Expert Forum interviewed Dr. Frederick regarding current issues surrounding global supply chains.
Stacey Frederick and Jack Daly look at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism industry in developing countries and provide insights from global value chain (GVC) analysis as in this op-ed for Trade and Development News managed by the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF).
Presentations, reports, papers and blogs in this section are related to global value chains and COVID-19.
Gary Gereffi and IMF’s economist Tamim Bayoumi joined DUCIGS Director Giovanni Zanalda in a webinar conversation on April 21, 2020 on the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on international trade and global supply chains. The speakers presented their analysis of the ongoing disruptions of global supply chains, including an overview of how the hyper specialization of supply chains has led to international shortages in vital medical equipment. This event is part of a webinar series on the impact of Covid-19 organized by the Duke Center for International and Global Studies (DUCIGS)/Rethinking Diplomacy Program. Click here for more information or view the webinar directly on YouTube.